Abstract U
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Words to the Unknown.
It is the idea of Love that seduces Us
A beautiful thing to contemplate."
? Novembre 2018
Albert Einstein
"After a certain high level of technical skill is achieved, science and art tend to coalesce
in esthetics, plasticity, and form. The greatest scientists are artists as well."
All In All
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"All In All.
What Is Unique, What Is Common.
Oneness In Multiplicity.
Multiplicity In Oneness."
20:00 (U.T.) 16/12/2021
All In All - Sequel
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Multiplicity In Oneness,
Souls Within A Soul,
Consciences In Consciousness
Bodies Within A Body."
The Love Of All Love.
06:05 (U.T.) 30/08/2022
Anges & Démons
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Les Anges et les Démons, Ont Chacun Leurs Manières de Danser"
19:14 (U.T.) 15/08/2021
From the painting titled "Appel Aux Consciences"
The gathering of Astral Bodies for a common cause.
"Appel Aux Consicences,
Appel Aux Âmes,
Rappel À L'Essence
De Ces Voix Qui Clament.
Des Décibels De Sens
Pour Fair Vibrer Ces Temples.
Une Étincelle De Lumière Dense,
Pour Raviver Ces Flammes."
Go to Multiverse.
12:50 (U.T.) 19/03/2022
Appétit Du Temps
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Je Dévore Tout - Le Passé, Le Présent & Le Future."
08:47 (U.T.) 04/12/2021
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"There Is Art.
There Is The Spirit Of The Art.
There Is What Art Appears To Be.
There Is What Art Essentially Is."
23:25 (U.T.) 24/01/2022
Art - Food For Thought
Quote by:Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"If Art can Be like Fresh Bread, it can also Be like Fine Wine."
10:10 (U.T.) 23/06/2022
Art & Freedom
Quote by:Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
Even When They Clash."
16:56 (U.T.) 05/11/2022
Art Is
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"If Art Can Be Like Fresh Baked Bread, It Can Also Be Like Fine Wine."
10:10 (U.T.) 23/06/2022
Art Pathways
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Art can go to places where science, politics, and religion would not dare to."
11:38 (U.T.) 12/04/2020
Art, Science & Spirituality
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"There is Art In Everything.
There is Science In Everything.
There is Spirituality In everything."
17:34 (U.T.) 14/07/2019
Bedouin proverb:
"My treasures do not chink or glitter. They gleam in the sun and neigh in the night."
Got to my Stories page and read my article on Islam, Tradition, Clothing and Dress Code
Behind The Art
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"What Is The Mindstate?
What Is The Vibration?
What Is The Energy?
What Is The Thought?
What Is The Intent?
*Behind The Art*"
10:23 (U.T.) 22/07/2022
Le Bon Équilibre
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Il faut avoir un Bon Équilibre
entre le Semblable et le Différent;
entre le Commun et le Singulier."
16:28 (U.T.) 18/11/2019
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"I'm 9 Chapters Past Yesterday.
I'm 9 Books Past Last Week."
13:36 (U.T.) 16/08/2020
Break The Mold
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Don't let any moments be frozen in time or space...
Break the Mold!
Be Timeless!
Be Boundless!"
19:24 (U.T.) 24/10/2021
Quote by :Noble-Derby LeMoore:
"Take a look at the canvas once.
Take a look at it for a second and a third time,
from different angles and new perspectives,"
00:14 (U.T.) 15/07/2021
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"I'm not the Cards
I'm not even the one who plays with the Cards.
I'm just the One who Draws the whole Mosaica."
04:24 (U.T.) 14/07/2020
Quote by :Noble-Derby LeMoore:
"As We Celebrate, We Learn about the Blessings of Giving and Receiving."
Original Version =>22:49 (U.T.) 25/12/2019 *New Version 05:57 (U.T.) 22/11/2021
Certitude & Faith
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"There Is A Part Of Certitude
In What We Know For A Fact.
There Is A Part Of Faith
For What Is Beyond Ourselves.
We Cannot Escape The Unknown.
Therefore We Walk The Path
As Conscious Beings
With Open Minds
And Critical Thinking
Rather Than Blind Faith."
15:54 (U.T.) 09/06/2022
Inspired by the narration from the documentary "The Ancient World Egypt"
Re-written and adapted by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore, to suit the theme
of the song "Chocolate River" from the project "Walks Of Life II".
The end of the song is narrated by the beautiful voice of Luciann Berrios:
"Here the Mighty Queen of rivers is Born.
From many sources, the cocoa water gather,
and flow thousands of miles...
Through and into the Chocolate lands."
My Clock
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"I have lost my clock nine (9) years ago,
And I found it; In this very moment;
Ticking on time."
12:36 (U.T) 27/02/2021
La Conscience
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"La Conscience Est Fluide, Continuellement En Mouvance,
Croissante et Croissante, S'accordant Aux Circonstances."
21:24 (U.T.) 21/06/2019
The Core Of The Movement
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Without The Soul,
Without The Mind,
Without The Heart,
There Is No Movement.
15:32 (U.T) 27/07/2022
The Cosmic Choir
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"The Cosmic Choir Has No Beginning,
No Ending, No Aim, B.U.T. To Fulfill Itself.."
05:40 (U.T) 10/01/2020
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Set Your Crazy FREE!
It's All Part Of The Art."
19:18 (U.T) 10/11/2022
The Creative Process
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
1) "Creativity Is Filled with chaotic moments
of inspiration, and clarity.
The mess is all part of the Process."
2) "The creative process, allows us to contemplate
Reality As It Is, past our impressions...
It also allows us,
to See Beyond All Realms,
As we clear the way for new paradigms."
*1=> 22:49 (U.T.) 21/10/2019 *2=> 04:27 (U.T) 14/10/2021
Creative Scientists
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Most Scientists Are as Creative and Passionate than Artists...
And both can lose themselves in the Business and Politics of Things."
*Original Version => 12:33 (U.T.) 12/03/2019 *New Version => 01:01 (U.T.) 23/11/2021
The Creator Creates...
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
Creates the canvas,
Creates the frame,
Creates within the frame,
and Plays within the frame,
As He Pleases.
The canvas is a reflection of
The frame is the space to Express
His Will.
The CREATOR Is Beyond the canvas.
The CREATOR is Beyond the frame."
21:14 (U.T.) 06/11/2019
The Creator Realm
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"In the realm of the creator,
there is no such thing as Impossible."
00:50 (U.T.) 07/11/2020
Cultural & Scientific Uprising
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Cultural & Scientific Uprising is currently the most potent in the realm of our world.
They either pave the way to our fulfillment or our degradation."
17:55 (U.T) 18/04/2021
CyphaBorn - The Will/The Wheel
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"The Will Sets The Wheel In Motion."
22:31 (U.T.) 27/12/2019
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Every Book, just as Every Field Of Knowledge,
Has its Own Language To Be Decoded."
22:47 (U.T.) 07/03/2019
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"At One Point, We Must Be Clear
about Who's Who, and What Means What."
22:47 (U.T.) 10/12/2021
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Il est Important de Faire ses Propre Recherches;
de Faire ses Propres Découvertes;
d'en Témoigner;
de Raconter sa Propre Histoire;
de Porter L'expression de Soi Vers l'Universel."
01:23 (U.T.) 30/07/2019
Disparité & Symbiose
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Il y a Disparité et Symbiose en Tout."
20:01 (U.T.) 09/02/2020
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Diversity Is Abundance.
It Is Unity Manifested
In Various Ways."
17:05 (U.T.) 24/02/2020
"The coal does not fear the fire"
*This is a Dogon proverb from Mali,
and refers to someone who's seen worst, or is not impressed.
Do More - Get More
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"I Do More of what I want.
I Get More of What I Need."
02:11 (U.T.) 14/03/2021
"People resent change, I think in some ways, but they forget that they've changed too.
I think most of us changed for the better rather than the worst."
* For more about Dusty Springfield, visit the Stories page.
Earth To The Moon
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Speaking to the Moon, the Earth said:
"Once We were ONE.""
14:12 (U.T.) 26/11/2021
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"There Is No Such Thing As Energy Crisis.
There Is An Overflow Of Energy Inside Out Of Us.
The Focus Must Be on The Choice, And The Use Of Energy."
*Original Version => 22:17 (U.T.) 29/01/2019 *New Version => 00:27 (U.T.) 23/11/2021
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"The Essence Of Who You Are Cannot Be Contained"
by Time, Space, Matter, or Any Given Moments.
21:02 (U.T.) 02/04/2022
The "Eternal Relation" represent Creation
The Masculine (Left) And The Feminine Aspects,
Being Components Of The Iris,
And The Seed Of Life In The Center, As The Pupil.
All Part Of The All-Seeing Eye,
The Underlying Principle, At The Heart Of The UNIverse.
Along with the "Eternal Relations" Paintings...
Poem by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore.:
"I Am the Truest Thing that Is,
The Almighty All Nothingness,
The Unknown,
The Gracious Invisible,
The Beautiful Unseen,
The Sight whiteout Eyes,
The Unspoken Word,
The Sound of the Unheard,
The Deafening Silence,
The Inconceivable,
The Unmeasurable,
The Unquantifiable,
The Infinite,
Ever Decaying/Ever Rising,
The Sum of
All Numbers And Letters,
Spinning In A Sphere of Illusions.
Evil World
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"If There Is Any Evil In The World,
It Seeds Are Sown In Our Hearts,
Grow In Our Minds,
And Bear Fruit In Our Deeds."
22:52 (U.T.) 31/07/2021
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"As we evolve, we seek to refine,
and multiply our ways of expression,
and gain more profoundness."
22:52 (U.T.) 31/07/2021
Extra- Terrestre
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Je Ne Suis Pas Un Humain.
Je Suis Un Extra-Terrestre
Né Sur La Planète Terre."
22:50 (U.T.) 13/01/2022
Eye Of Mind
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"I only See with this Eye Of Mind.
I Am Blind until I See.
I only Hear with this Eye Of Mind.
I Am Deaf until I See.
This Eye Sees even when my Mind is clouded."
*Original Version => 06:05 (U.T.) 27/03/2019 *New Version => 01:23 (U.T.) 23/11/2021
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Fact Is What Happened & When It Happened.
Truth Is Why It Happened & How It Happened."
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Faces Speak Millions Of Words,
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Where love, trust, and solidarity are sheltered, there is family."
This quote was written in relation to the "Family Theme" painting,
to promote the value and empowerment of the family structure.
The Fear Of AI
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
The fear of AI is most likely the projection of the worst of mankind mirrored on "it".
The main concern may be the weaponization of such technologies.
I think that AI as a technology is considerably sophisticated cognitively speaking,
in its multiple functionalities, and the purpose that it may serve;
however, I would argue that it is not necessarily as sophisticated
as the body of a man or a woman, as well as the very nature that informs all.
As far as mankind knows, robots are limited to our realm.
We Are Yet to know what is beyond.
We barely master our bodies; what is to discover there?
7:01 (U.T.) 10/01/2023
Write to
Feel Good
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Give Yourself No Reason To Feel GOOD!."
19:26 (U.T.) 03/02/2019
The Fire
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Where ever the fire goes, everybody wants to be there."
15:48 (U.T.) 14/10/2020
The Force(s)
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Do Not Collide With The forces.
Find Your Way Around Them, and Make Them Flow In Your Favor."
You Will Soon Realize That You Are The Force(s).
20:12 (U.T.) 03/01/2022
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"We Are Forgiving The Past.
We Are also Correcting the Past,
by Fully Living The Present."
*Original Version => 02:32 (U.T.) 27/06/2019 *New Version => 21:49 (U.T.) 23/11/2021
Further Seeking
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Some people are fine with the Echoes & Reverbs.
Then there are those who seek to hear the Original Sounds.
Original Version => 21:01 (U.T.) 09/10/2019 *New Version => 05:07 (U.T.) 22/11/2021
Futuristic Past
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"The Past Is More Futuristic
then what We have been made
to believe."
20:16 (U.T.) 27/08/2019
Gamers Theme
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Everything Is Game.
From Numbers To Words;
From Icons To Sounds; We Play! "
13:31 (U.T.) 10/12/2021
La Génèse De L'Amour Propre
Poem by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Au Commencement, il y avait l'Amour Propre.
Les Astres, le Soleil et la Lune, le Jour et la Nuit.
Le Ciel, la Terre et les Eaux Profondes, Douces et Salées.
L'Amour Propre travserse les Saisons, les Hautes et Basses Températures,et rend les Sols Fertiles,
L'Amour Propre anime la Faune et les Végétation.
L'Amour Propre Est la Semence de l'Abondance.
L'Amour Propre Est le Souffle de l'Ëtre Vivant qui A un Coeur qui Bat.
L'Amour Propre Est ce qui se Partage entre Toi et Moi.
*Original Version => 21:00 (U.T.) 14/12/2019 *New Version => 08:01 (U.T.) 28/11/2021
A Great Teacher
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"A great teacher will give you special skills,
guidance, critical thinking, and discernement...
Unitil you find you own way."
04:18 (U.T.) 30/10/2021
Great Value
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"All that is of great value,
warms the heart, elevates the mind,
and raises consciousness."
12:18 (U.T.) 01/07/2019
A Great Work Of Art
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"What a great work of art reveals is nothing,
in comparison to what is concealed.
What is to be decoded, give insight
to the invisible."
12:39 (U.T.) 03/11/2020
Words to the instrumental music titled "The Greater Victory"
Written somewhere in 2010.
Quote by :Noble-derby :LeMoore:
"What dwells aside?! What dwells between?!
What dwells under?! What dwells above?!
WE win and lose constantly in the terms of how life is engaged.
You might lose or win money, a house, or property.
You might lose or win a game, a war, a battle, a conflict, or a case.
The same things that are given to you can be instantly taken back from you.
Sometimes what appears to be a victory, really is a defeat & vice versa.
You might Be blessed with the venue of someone in your life,
just like a new Born, or aggravated by one's departure...
Beyond all this, you can lose yourself as much as you can be discovering it.
Things come & go.
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Every Growth Has Its Proper Ground."
15:26 (U.T.) 18/11/2019
"We must be bigger than we have been;
more courageous, greater in spirit, larger in outlook.
We must become members of a new race, overcoming petty prejudice,
owing our ultimate allegiance not to nations but to our fellow men within the human community."
This quote by Emperor Haile Selassie I is an extract of his 1963 address to the United Nations.
This speech inspired Bob Marley and the Wailers popular song titled "War"
released in 1976, part of the album "Rastaman Vibration".
The original speech was spoken in Amharic. For more on the subject, go on my Stories page.
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"L'Hazard est une science précise."
00:18 (U.T.) 06/12/2021
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"We Need Heroes. Not to idolize; rather To Become Heroes Ourselves."
*Original Version=> 01:21 (U.T.) 29/01/2020 *New Version => 05:29 (U.T.) 23/11/2021
Iconoclast [Theme]
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"The First Steps To Being an Iconoclast,
Is to Shatter the Images that
Have Been Created of Yourself;
As well as The Images Created
by Other Peoples.
17:50 (U.T.) 12/03/2022
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"In Iconography, It isn't necessarily
about the Image Itself, rather than what it Expresses.
18:20 (U.T.) 07/08/2020
About Ideas
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Some ideas are appealing to a certain extent.
And when conveyed in a more concrete way,
are unlikely to sooth your vision."
19:32 (U,T) 16/10/2021
Ignorance - Knowledge
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Ignorance is the poison.
Knowledge is the antidote."
03:35 (U.T.) 27/10/2021
Illusion - Rêve ou Cauchemar
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"L"Illusion est Persistente, et parfois Persuasive,
mais finit toujours par s'Estomper.
L'Illusion Est comme un Rêve ou un Cauchemar.
Lersqu'elle est Douce, on souhaite qu'Elle s"Éternise;
Lorsqu'Elle nous éprouve, on souhaite retrouver l'Éveil. "
23:43 (U.T.) 26/09/2019
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Imagination Creates Worth & Value.
01:24 (U.T.) 19/05/2022
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"It Is In Our So Called "Imperfections'
That the Wonders Of Our Uniqueness Are Reveald.."
12:44 (U.T.) 25/01/2022
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Inspiration is a spark of clarity."
12:44 (U.T.) 01/07/2019
The Inside Out Way
Poem by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"There Is War
There Is Ignorance
There Is Confusion
There Is Contradiction
There Is Anger
There Is Joy
There Is Sorrow
There Is Passion
There Is Desire
There Is Love
There Is Hate
There Is Fear
There Is Courage
There Is Entanglement
There Is Liberation
There Is Doubt
There IsDespair
There IsFaith
There Is Conviction
There Is Certitude
There Is Clarity
There Is Balance
There Is Harmony
There Is Peace
This Is the Inner Struggle.
This Is The Outer Struggle.
19:12 (U.T) 27/07/2019
"Memwa se tiwèt lespri." (Creole)
"Memory is the currency (wallet) of the mind." (English)
"La mémoire est le portefeuille de l'intelligence." (French)
*This proverb is in relation with the "Joseph Louis Debrosse" painting and come with all printed versions.
This is an Aytian proverb and is taken from the book: Les "Proverbes Haitiens" D'Edmont Chenet
Reedited by Max Manigat - Transcript annotation in modern ortograph P.207 Proverb 1104.
Joy Too
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Some People Under The Assumption
That Pain Solely Gives Substance To Life...
I Say Joy Too!'
17:19 (U.T.) 30/01/2022
Kâma Sûtra - 3 buts De La Vie
Quote from the book Kâma Sûtra by Vâtsyâyana. Translated and commented in French by Alain Daniélou.
"1. L'homme, au cours des cents années de sa vie,
doit poursuivre successivement trois buts sans que l'un nuise à l'autre.
I. Durant les trois premières périodes de sa vie l'homme doit se réaliser sur trois plans
qui sont interdépendants, la vertu (Dharma), la richesse (Artha) et l'amour (Kâma), en les harmonisant
et sans que l'un nuise aux autres"
Kel Tamasheq Woman And First Born
Tuareg proverb:
"Where water flows freely, people live in affluence."
Language Is An Illusion
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Language is an illusion.
It is as real as its vibration,
the energy it carries,
and the sentiment
that it evokes.
19:20 (U.T.) 19/02/2021
Quote from the movie: Shogun Assasin narrated by Daigoro, the son of the lone wolf:
“At night, we make a fire, and have our tea, and we listen for the ninja, who never make a sound.”
The Lord Of The Sun
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"The Lord of The Sun Landed on The Moon and Set It On Fire."
12:01 (U.T.) 20/12/2019
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Some say that Love is something to live and die for.
Some say that Love must be killed.
Some say that Love is something to kill for.
Some say that there is no such thing as Love.
Some say that Love is everything."
03:32 (U.T.) 29/10/2020
Love Language
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"The HeArt Has Its Language, Its Rhythm & Melody.
04:54 (U.T.) 13/04/2023
Love Memoire
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Love is always open to you.
Love does not force you to be
or to do anything beyond your will.
Love is patient and meets you, eye to eye.
Love is as real as it gets.
05:00 (U.T.) 25/06/2021
The Lover Said
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"...And The Lover Said to His Beloved, From a distance:
"I Would Kiss Your Hands.
I Would Kiss You Along Your Arms.
I Would Kiss Your Shoulders.
I Would Kiss Your Neck.
I Would Gently Bite Your Earlobes.
I Would Kiss Your Forehead.
I Would Look Into You Eyes.
I Would Kiss Your Lips.
I Would Kiss Your Chest.
I Would Listen To Your Heart.
I Would Kiss Your Breast.
I Would Kiss Your Belly.
Then I Would Kiss Your Belly Button...""
08:07 (U.T.) 23/12/2019
Maasai Proverb:
"The daily path never ends."
Many Books
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"I got Many Book in One Line.
One Letter is A Chapter."
01:11 (U.T.) 21/05/2020
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Mathematics Is Certainty, Probability & Uncertainty."
14:45 (U.T.) 19/07/2019
Math Teacher
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"My Math Teacher Is Qualified To Teach Mathematics,
And He Is Excellent At What He Does.
Yet He Does Not Master Mathematics
In A Perfect Manner."
14:45 (U.T.) 19/07/2019
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Melody Is Rhythm - Rhythm Is Melody."
23:13 (U.T.) 09/12/2021
"Ti bout kouto myo passé ti zong." => meaning "A small knife is better than a small nail."
This proverb refers to the value and the ability to manage oneself with whatever's in hand.
This is a proverb that I would hear my mother say from time to time.
*This is an Aytian proverb taken for the book : Les "Proverbes Haitiens" D'Edmont Chenet
Reedited by Max Manigat - Transcript annotation in modern orthography P.176 Proverb 905.
The Mind Transit
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"The Mind Is merely A Transit
for thoughts, Ideas & Imagination...
It has to come from the Core of Your Being."
23:08 (U.T.) 07/10/2019
The Mind Travel
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
1) "I Am from the Future.
I Am from the Past.
I Am Here Right Now!"
2) "Sometimes My Mind Is On Earth.
Most Times, It Is in The Sky."
*1 [21:13 (U.T.) 01/12/2019] *2 [04:15 (U.T.) 28/08/2019]
Quote by Gandhi:
"In a gentle way, you can shake the world."
Montesquieu - Le Commerce
Quotes by Montesquieu, Born Charles-Louis de Secondat, titled Baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu.
These are the french quotes concerning the benefits of commerce. May you translate:
1) "Le Commerce guérit les préjugés destructeurs: et c'est presque la règle générale que partout
où il y a des Moeurs Douces, il y a du Commerce; et partout où il y a du Commerce, il y a des Moeurs Douces.
Qu'on s'étonne donc point si nos moeurs sont moins féroces qu'elles ne l'étaient autrefois.
Le Commerce a fait que la Connaissance des Moeurs de Toutes les Nations a pénétré Partout: on les a comparées
entre elles, et il en a résulté de grands biens."
2) "L'Effet Naturel du Commerce est de Porter la Paix. Deux Nations qui Négocient Ensemble se rendent réciporquement
dépendantes: si l'une a l'intérêt d'acheter, l'autre a l'intérêt de vendre; et toutes les unions sont fondées sur les besoins mutuels."
Mongolian proverb:
"Man’s happiness lies in vacant steppes"
Movies & Music
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"I listen to Music like I watch Movies.
I watch Movies like I listen to Music."
11:34 (U.T.) 03/06/2019
Les Mots
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Par eux-mêmes, les Mots n'ont pas d'effets.
Lorsque prononcés, deviennent des vibrations sonores,"
de différentes tonalités et intensités.
C'est l'Énergie, les sens, et les sentiments réels qui y sont voués.
qui leur donnent leurs vrais Pouvoirs.
?November 2018
A quote by the man himself, born Mckinley Morganfield, better known as Muddy waters:
"I been in the blues all my life. I'm still delivering 'cause I got a long memory"
Visit my Stories page for more content on Muddy Waters
Mckinley Morganfield (Muddy Waters)
Quote in relation to the painting titled "Appel Aux Consciences"
by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"We are the evidence of a Multiverse.
Each of us is a Microcosm
of the Universe "We Live In",
Expressing Itself in multiple ways."
18:17 (U.T.) 02/10/2021
The Museum
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"The Museum Is A Living Entity.
It Is continuously Newing Itself.
Some things are More Permanent,
where Art Is Always In Motion"
12:43 (U.T.) 24/02/2023
Music & Words
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"I listen to the music & the words,
both together and separately
Music & Words are two different
Languages Intermingling."
04:53 (U.T.) 19/10/2019
The Narrative
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"No matter what is painted on the canvas,
it is all about the direction of the narrative.
The narrative creates the perceptions."
06:07 (U.T.) 02/11/2021
Sudanese proverb:
"If you can walk, you can dance; If you can talk, you can sing."
1) The full quote by Nikola Tesla:
"My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe, there is a core
from which we obtain knowledge, strength, and inspiration.
I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists."
*I have abrogated the last part of it for my prints to focus
on the possibility of being a receiver from the core.
2) Here is the official version:
"My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe, there is a core
from which we obtain knowledge, strength, and inspiration."
Other quotes from Nikola Tesla:
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe,
think in terms of energy,
frequency, and vibration."
*To capture an aspect of the spirit and the subtle sense of humor
of the man, here is one of his poems that I would like to share.
Nikola Tesla wrote this poem for his friend, the German poet
George Sylvester Viereck. In this poem titled
"Fragments of Olympian Gossip", it seems like Tesla was making fun
of his contemporaries, and the scientific establishment of his time:
"While listening on my cosmic phone,
I caught words from the Olympus blown.
A newcomer was shown around;
That much I could guess, aided by sound.
There's Archimedes with his lever
Still busy on problems as ever.
Says: matter and force are transmutable
And wrong the laws you thought immutable.
Below, on Earth, they work at full blast
And news are coming in thick and fast.
The latest tells of a cosmic gun.
To be pelted is very poor fun.
We are wary with so much at stake.
Too bad, Sir Isaac, they dimmed your renown
And turned your great science upside down.
Now a long haired crank, Einstein by name,
Puts on your high teaching all the blame.
Says: matter and force are transmutable
And wrong the laws you thought immutable.
I am much too ignorant, my son,
For grasping schemes so finely spun,
My followers are of stronger mind
And I am content to stay behind,
Perhaps I failed, but I did my best,
These masters of mine may do the rest.
Come, Kelvin, I have finished my cup.
When is your friend Tesla coming up?
Oh, quoth Kelvin, he is always late,
It would be useless to remonstrate.
Then silence—shuffle of soft slippered feet—
I knock and—the bedlam of the street."
Autographed: Nikola Tesla, Novice.
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Now, We Can Change the course of Time.
Now, We Can Make Things Better
Then They Ever Were."
17:59 (U.T.) 30/11/2019
Old Man
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"That Old Man was raising goats in the desert.
Yet, He Knew the Secrets of the Sky,
and solved many Mathematical Enigmas"
*Original Version 18:43 (U.T.) 26/01/2019 *New Version 21:03 (U.T.) 23/11/2021
Parts Of Me
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
1)"There is a part of Me that knows everything.
The other part is clueless."
2) Some parts of Me, have been elsewhere.
Other parts of Me, always been there."
*1 [18:04 (U.T.) 16/02/2021] *2 [17:24 (U.T.) 29/01/2021]
Parts Of Who We Are
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"There is a part of Certitude in what we Know for a Fact.
There is a part of Faith for what is Beyond Ourselves.
We cannot escape the Unknown.
Therefore We Walk the Path as Conscious Beings,
with Open Minds and Critical Thinking,
rather than blind faith."
Past, Present & Future
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"What I grasp from the Past, the Present & the Future,
Is an Experience Of Life Beyond Time."
13:58 (U.T.) 16/08/2020
Paying Attention
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Those who really Pay Attention,
Discover Tresors that Eyes Can't See
And Hands Can't Handle."
16:13 (U.T.) 22/01/2020
People Of The Sun
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"There are Living Beings on The Sun.
They Are made of Flames and Dark Energy.
The Solar Core Nourishes Their Lives"
Vos Pensées
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Ne laissez-pas vos pensées altérer vos ressentiments less plus profonds."
15:51 (U.T.) 09/06/2020
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Perception Is A Constant Variable."
20:12 (U.T.) 18/12/2019
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
1) " Why should not We dare to Be Perfect?
Furthermore, why should not We Perfect The Perfection."
2) "To Seek Perfection is To Seek A Path To The Infinite."
*1=> 02:40 (U.T.) 20/01/2020 *2=> 07:00 (U.T) 22/11/2021
Comment: The word perfection allows us to continuously push ourselves.
What is the point of creating and giving meaning to a word that is out of some sort of reach?
The Planet
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Blessed is the planet who welcomes the traveller."
02:12 (U.T.) 07/09/2020
Pleasure Principle
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"I don't want to Eat by hunger.
I don't want to Drink by thirst.
Everything by Pure Pleasure."
20:52 (U.T.) 30/03/2019
Poetry Pathway
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"It is a skillful thing to pave poetry
as a pathway to the realm of facts."
04:50 (U.T.) 26/09/2021
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"The Good Thing Is that What is Probable May Not Occur;
And What is Improbable May Occur."
02:47 (U.T.) 15/04/2020
The Quantic Way
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"The Quantic Way Plunges Us
In A Realm Of Infinite Possibilities,
Where Anything May Or May Not Occur.
Here, The Constancy Is Uncertainty.
Here, We Move With Or Against The Current,
Versing With The Unexpected."
Race As A Word
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"The Word "RACE" has caused more trouble to the world,
than the words CLAN, TRIBE, NATION, or CULTURE."
20:05 (U.T.) 03/02/2019
Les Rideaux Tombent
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Les rideaux tombent, les visages se dévoilent.
Beautés et laideurs sont subjectives."
02:04 (U.T.) 22/08/2019
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"I Am Mostly Soft And Calm. It Is the Art That Roars"
07:57 (U.T.) 10/01/2022
Roberta Flack
"That's a wonderful thing because one of the primary qualities
of a good performance is honesty."
Rhythm & Melody
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"The Rythm Is The Bread,
The Melody Is the Butter."
07:07 (U.T.) 31/03/2020
Rhythms & Paces
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Your heart is yours, you must find your own rythm.
Your breath is yours, you must find your own pace.
You should know when to speed it up, or to slow it down.
07:37 (U.T.) 20/03/2019
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Sampling Is Important.
It Is A Modern Way To Carry Legacy.
It Gives A New Life To A Work Of Art.
It Brings It To A New Context, New Places, New Moods...
And Creates New Experiences
That Allows New Forms Of Communications, To Share New Ideas.
03:40 (U.T) 18/08/2022
Science & Spirituality
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Science is the exploration of reality as it relates
to energy and matter.
Spirituality is the exploration of reality as it relates
to the invisible, the underlying principle."
18:33 (U.T) 25/08/2021
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"There Is No Chain.
There Is No Prison.
There Is No Boundary.
There Is No Obstacle.
There Is No Enemy.
There Is Nothing Above.
There Is Nothing Below.
There Is Only The SELF."
03:35 (U.T.) 19/09/2019
Sens Propres & Sens Figurés
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"On s'égare entre les Sens Propres et les Sens Figurés."
Original Version => 21:54 (U.T.) 01/12/2019 *New Version => 04:14 (U.T.) 21/11/2021
Les Senses
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Le non-sens finit par être plein de sens.
Ce qui ne veux rien dire finit par tout dire."
19:21 (U.T.) 22/08/2020
Silence & Noise
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Sometimes Silence & Noise Merge to Express the Same Things."
13:14 (U.T.) 03/06/2019
In relation to my painting of Shahrzad Fooladi, better known as Snoh Aalegra.
Three quotes were selected to potentially be part of my prints.
I chose the first one.
1) "I just want people to feel what I feel when I hear music that I love."
2) "I've always been in my own world, even as a young girl.
But I fell in love with music because it made me feel
something that I can't explain. "
3) "In my music, I bare it all; it's really naked."
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"Sophistication is to Be Immersed in the Depth of Simplicity."
*Original Version=> 16:53 (U.T.) 24/02/2020 *New Version=> 07:26 (U.T)
Spoken Language
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"We speak the language of our experience"
01:18 (U.T.) 16/01/2020
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
1) "The whole premise of stories, is to be mindful of the present, the Past, and The Future."
2) "All Stories give you the opportunity to expand your mind."
3) "Everything perfectly occurs to serve A Broader Story."
4) "All Stories Align like Stars of A Constellation."
*1 Original Version => 16:08 (U.T.) 09/05/2020 *New Version => 05:50 (U.T.) 23/11/2021
*3 10:09 (U.T.) 01/08/2020
The Sun As A Witness
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"The Sun Has witnessed numerous rises and falls.
What they are chasing is not what the Sun Is Shinning for."
04:31 (U.T.) 17/08/2019
Quote by :Noble-Derby :LeMoore:
"People needed a Symbol, something Tangible to connect with.
Therefore, the Sage pointed at the Sun."
*Original Version => 22:34 (U.T.) 27/02/2019 *New Version => 22:54 (U.T.) 23/11/2021
Taïno Arrowukas Woman - Ayiti
"Fade, full moon, as Anacaona's new life glows. If there is joy to be found here, let her find it.
If there is pain, let her endure it. If there is love, give her all there is.
And as the moon is made new so will she."
This is the original quote from the book:
Anacaona - Golden Flower - Haiti 1490 P.100.
Written by Edwidge Dandicat.
For the sake of the narrative of the painting, I made a slight change to the quote,
not to necessarily refer to Anacaona, but to express the aspirations of a Taïno Woman.
Here is the adaptation:
"Fade, full moon, as her new life glows.
If there is joy to be found here, let her find it. If there is pain, let her endure it.
If there is love, give her all there is. And as the moon is made new so will she."